Thursday, September 3, 2009

What router should I buy? What is wireless N?

What Router should I buy?

I follow a web-site called small-net that answered this very question right here.

Remember, you only get internet as fast as can send it to you, which is much, much, much slower than any of these routers.

Why do i want a faster router if I can't surf the net any faster? Because moving info (like movies) from one computer to another within our homes is getting (or will get more common).

Want to listen to music from your itunes on a different computer in a different room? You could just log in to your itunes library from the second computer. The same thing will happen with movies, or games. Soon DVRs will be able to play back from the DVR to any computer, or your TV, through your network.

The important part to remember is that if you're buying laptops, make sure that they have wireless N built in if your router has wireless N - otherwise they won't run at the new faster speed.

Remember, speed is different than range, which is how far you can go from the router before your signal gets so low that the speed drops off. The range depends on a lot of stuff, including the antennas and how strong the wireless card is in your laptop - which you usually don't change. So positioning the router closest to where you want the wireless access is important.

Also, as a wireless internet provider, I want to ensure that the wireless signal that delivers the internet is as strong and doesn't compete with your wireless router - otherwise both systems will be slow.

Having router problems? Contact Erik for more info/help

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How do you get Blueberry Status updates when the internet is down?

When things inevitably happen to BlueberryNetworks, and your internet isn't working, how can you get updates on what's wrong or what's going on with the network?

Twitter is a "micro-blogging" tool - that allows short updates to be sent to your phone about topics of your choosing. Subscribing to a twitter feed is a good way to get updates or breaking news stuff that interest you.

For example, I subscribe to the Buffalo Bills (do I have to tell you they are a Football Team?) twitter. When ever the team announces something (like the signing of a new player) they send out a tweet. I get that tweet on my phone (using a text message, which you may have to watch depending on your phone package) After receiving the tweet, I go about my day, happy in the fact that the Bills are on the cusp of becoming the next NFL dynasty, and planning my trips to watch them in the next Super Bowls.

In the case of BlueberryNetworks, I TRY to tweet when something is happening that affects groups of customers. Your internet might be down, but if I haven't tweeted within a couple of hours, it's probably just a problem at your place, not an issue that affects a group of people. If that's the case, you can call me at 258-2583 to get in touch with me.

How do I subscribe to BlueberryNet twitter?

go to:

If you go to that page, you'll see some status tweets at the bottom of the page, and at the top of the page, some tweets that I exchanged with a Rogers representative about the new Iphone.

I'm only going to allow subscribers to follow this feed.

Twitter starts to get very interesting when you use search, to see what "everybody" is tweeting about. When the new iphone came out, I searched for tweets containing "iphone, canada, rogers" and it gave a list of all the tweets that contained those terms. I could then see what people were talking about, reacting to, or going to do about that topic. That's where I found the Rogers guy's twitter, and then I "followed" him to see what else he was saying about iphone stuff.

Twitter makes updating your status on the internet a level of magnitude easier. You don't have to write a web page, learn html, set up hosting, blah blah blah. Much like facebook and myspace, it allows everyone to tell what they're up to on the internet. Twitter adds the element of pushing the updates to phones as SMS messages. It's up to you as a subscriber to decide who you want to follow/listen to.

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Post!!

Here's a way to get news about developments at BlueberryNetworks. This will provide information that will help you use the service more effectively, efficiently and funnly. (The blog should not be used to learn how to use the english language rightly) uses gmail as the e-mail provider for our e-mail accounts. If you ever want to check the status of mail servers, use this link: